Bunchball Go Configuration

The Go configuration view allows you to manage the banner, header image, section titles, and learning content within your Bunchball Go program. Other visual elements are pulled from the mission, level, and general setup. Placement is pre-configured as part of the Bunchball Go portal and cannot be changed via Nitro Studio. See Bunchball Go Stylesheets for information on configurable elements that are set up and managed by Bunchball.

  1. Open Nitro Studio > Integrate > Go.
  2. Configure your content as detailed in the following sections. Note that:
    • Section titles display in uppercase unless changed in the stylesheet.
    • Section titles are alphanumeric, allowing for spaces and hyphens, but no special characters.
  3. Click Save after making any changes.

Privacy Tab

You can upload a Privacy Notice document to be hosted by Nitro or add a link to a Privacy Notice you host. This notice is accessible to users via the Login page. When a user logs in after a Privacy Notice is added or updated, they will be prompted to accept the privacy policy.


When configured as a Progressive Web Application (PWA), users can launch Bunchball Go from an application icon rather than from a link in their browser. See Run Bunchball Go as a Progressive Web Application for configuration details.

Designer Tab

The Designer tab allows you to manage various elements of your program. The following information may differ from your program configuration. To change elements not available in this view, contact Bunchball Support.

Header Image



Header Image

The image that appears at the top of each page (mobile) or in the navigation pane (desktop). This image is global to all pages and is typically your company or program logo.

  1. Click Browse, then browse to and select an image.
  2. Click Upload, then click Save.


The Designer tab lists the pages available in your Bunchball Go program and the gamification elements that appear on those pages. The following may appear on one or more pages in your program and may have different configurations for each page.

Section Type


events widget

The Events web component elements you can change:

  • Title - The title of the section that displays the user's or community's recent achievements.
  • Subtitle - The subtitle that displays below the section heading.
  • Return Count - The number of events to display in the list. When a new event is added, the oldest event is removed. Items remain in the list until they are replaced by a more recent event.


Banner Image - Add or change the image that appears on the Home page.

  1.  Click Browse, then browse to and select an image.
  1.  Click Upload , then click Save.

interaction block

The Recognitions block element you can change:

  • Exchange Id - The ID of the exchange to show in the block when you want to limit the block to only one recognition exchange. By default, all exchanges show in the block.

leaders widget

The Leaders web component elements you can change:

  • Title - The title of the section that displays your leaderboard(s).
  • Subtitle - The subtitle that displays below the section heading.


Displays links to content stored in another location.

  1. To add a link, click New.
  2. Add a Title and Description.
  3. Add a URL.
  4. In the Navigation field, select if the link opens in the same browser tab (inline) or a new tab (new tab).

    When you choose to open the ink in a new tab, users will need to allow pop-ups for the site.
  1. Click Browse, navigate to an image, and click Save.
  2. Click Save at the bottom of the tab to save all configuration changes.

To reorder links, drag and drop the link using the arrows icon (Arrows Icon). To delete an existing link, click Delete (Delete Button) to the right of the link title.


Section Title - The title that appears on the Logout page.

missions widget

The Missions web component elements you can change:

  • Title - The title of the section that displays the user's available mission(s).
  • Return Count - The number of missions to display in the list. Note: If the user is eligible for fewer missions than the number set in the return count, then only the number of missions the user is eligible for will appear.
  • Subtitle - The subtitle that displays below the section heading.

ots widget

The OTS web component elements you can change:

  • Title - The title of the section that displays the On The Spot Card redemption form.
  • Subtitle - The subtitle that displays below the section heading.

profile widget

The Profile web component elements you can change:

  • Title - The title of the section that displays the user's profile image, name, points, and progress to the next level.
  • Subtitle - The subtitle that displays below the section heading.

quiz widget

Displays the next quiz a user is eligible to take. The default title is the quiz name configured in Quiz builder. If no quizzes are available, the title is Quiz.


Section Title - The title that appears on the Settings page.

trophy widget

The Trophy Case web component elements you can change:

  • Title - The title of the section that displays the badges earned by the user.
  • Subtitle - The subtitle that displays below the section heading.

See also

Bunchball Go overview

Bunchball Go actions and pages

Bunchball Go single-sign-on support