Run Bunchball Go as a Progressive Web Application

Note: Each browser vendor is implementing PWA features at their own pace. Therefore, using Bunchball Go as a PWA may be different across devices.

A Progressive Web Application (PWA) is a hybrid between Web and native (iOS, Android) applications. Bunchball Go meets PWA standards and can be installed as a Progressive Web Application on Android and iOS. Once added, users can launch Bunchball Go from an application icon rather than from a link in their browser.

Currently Bunchball supports the ability for an end user to install a link on their mobile device home page and to view data offline. When using offline mode:

Configure the Bunchball Go Application Icon

  1. Open Nitro Studio > Integrate > Go > PWA tab.
  2. Under Progressive Web Application Settings, click Browse.
  3. Browse to and select the icon you want to use as your Bunchball Go icon, then click Upload.
  4. In the Name field, enter the name you want to use for the Bunchball Go application.
  5. In the Theme color field, add a hex color code for the color of the application toolbar. This color may be reflected in the application's preview in task switchers.
  6. In the Background color field, add a hex color code for the color of the splash screen when the application is first launched.
  7. (Optional) In the Start url field, add the URL where your application should start when launched. Adding a URL prevents the application from starting on whatever page the user was on when they added the application to their home screen. Typically this is used to default users to your SSO page. The url format is: /login?token={your hub token}&utm_source=pwa

When a Start url is set, PWA offline capabilities are disabled. Contact Bunchball Support to receive your application token.

  1. Click Save.

PWA Configuration Example

Add the Application Icon to a Mobile Device

Any user that wants to run Bunchball Go from an application icon must complete the following steps on their device. When users add the application to their home screen, the application icon and name will appear as configured in the previous section.

If you change your program icon in Nitro Studio, the icon on a user's device will not automatically update. You must delete and re-add the application icon on each device to see the change.

iOS Install

  1. Log in to your program on your mobile browser. Once logged in, press the send button (Mobile Send Button).

Browser Send Button

  1. Press Add to Home Screen.

Mobile Add to Home Screen Button

  1. Press Add.

Add Icon to Home Screen

The icon will be added to your mobile desktop and is ready for use.

Android Install

  1. Log in to your program on your mobile browser.
  2. On initial login, a prompt will appear to add the icon to your home screen. Press Add to Home screen. If you dismiss the prompt without adding, you can find the Add to Home screen option on your browser's menu.

  1. Press Add.

The icon will be added to your mobile desktop and is ready for use.

Add the Application Icon to a Desktop

Any user that wants to add Bunchball Go as a shortcut on their desktop must complete the following steps.

  1. Log in to your program on your desktop computer.
  2. In your browser's address bar, click the Install button (Browser Install Button).

Browser Shortcut Icon

  1. Click Install.

PWA Install Button

The icon will be added to your desktop and is ready for use.

PWA Desktop Shortcut


Bunchball Go overview

Bunchball Go actions and pages

Bunchball Go single-sign-on support

Push notifications