Points Trending Report

The Points Trending report tracks the total points debited and credited in your program. It helps you understand if you are awarding the correct amount of points for missions and assigning the correct point values to purchasable items.

  1. Open Nitro Studio > Analytics > Quick Insights > Points & Levels tab.
  2. Note the data available date on the right side of the title bar. Data after this date is not yet available and is not included in reports.
  3. Interact with the data using dates, drilldowns, filters, hovers, and zoom.
  4. To interpret the data and compare it to your goals:
    • Are points motivating users to engage in the program?
    • Are users still earning points?
    • Is the points economy effective at sustaining engagement?
    • Compare this report to the Active Users, Actions Completed Per User, and Actions Trending reports to determine the effectiveness of your current points economy.
    • Compare this report to the Level Distribution report to determine the effectiveness of your level structure.

Points Trending Report

See also

Quick Insights Dashboard