January 2025 Release

Production Release Date: January 29

Web Components Deprecation

Web components will be deprecated starting February 1, 2025. They are still supported for existing programs, but no updates or fixes are expected. Archived information for web components is available here.

What does this mean for you?


We encourage you to explore our new Nitro Impact and Recognitions blocks, which offer enhanced functionality, less administration, and a modern design. The Impact and Recognitions blocks are the gamification elements replacing web components.


The following API changes are documented on https://api.bunchball.com/docs.

Product Updates

Combined Point Rewards

When a mission has multiple rewards from the same point category, those rewards are now combined into one total point reward. Typically, you will have multiple point rewards when one reward is limited by date or amount. For example, a mission can be set up to award bonus points if you complete the mission in the first five days.

This update applies to both Impact and the Missions web component. With this update:

Combined Point Rewards Example

Mission Recommender

We updated our mission recommender to consider the point value in missions that reward points. Missions with higher rewards will be prioritized over those with lower rewards.

Impact Locked Missions

The Impact landing page has been updated to display fewer locked missions. This change ensures that in programs where multiple missions become available on a future date, the Featured and Recommended sections show both locked and unlocked missions. Previously, multiple locked missions could appear in those sections, and the user would need to use the All Missions view to see an unlocked mission.

The All Missions view has not changed and will continue to show all locked missions in the order determined by the mission recommender.

Impact Block Fixed Height

Nitro Impact has been redesigned to be embedded on a page at a fixed height. A fixed height ensures that the block looks native to a page at all viewport sizes. The block continues to be mobile responsive and breaks down into a tabbed design on smaller screens.

All Impact blocks need to be embedded using fixed height sizing. To ensure the block displays as expected, you must update your code as soon as possible after our January production release.

  1. Update your embed code to include <div class="--bb-nitro-container">.

  2. Add iframe styles to your external stylesheet, head, or within the page of the site where the block is embedded.

See Embed a Block for details.

Impact Mission Tiles

Mission tiles in Nitro Impact now have a new look!

Impact Mission Tile Example

Impact Trophy Case

The trophy case has been updated so that the top section stays static when you scroll through the list of badges. Now you can select a badge, see it display in the top of the trophy case, and continue to scroll without losing position. We also updated the copy button to briefly show a check instead of the word "copied" when you successfully copy a badge.

Trophy Case Example

Impact Quizzes

Quizzes in Nitro Impact have been updated to show the status bar at the top of the screen and to visually indicate the correct/incorrect answers when multiple correct answers are allowed.

Quiz Example

Impact Leaderboards

Leaderboards in Nitro Impact have been updated to show a new placeholder when the leaderboard is not full.

Leaderboard Example

Data Import

The Users import file has been updated to allow you to set the additionalName preference when importing user information.

Data Import

See also

Release Notes