Batch File Requirements

There are two methods for importing batch file data into Nitro:

Imported files will appear in Nitro Studio on the Data Import view's Uploads tab where you can view status and address any errors that may have occurred during processing.

General Requirements

The following requirements apply to all batch processing.

Requirements for Actions

The following requirements apply to user and group actions such as user activity, skills obtained, etc.

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Requirements for Users

The following requirements apply to loading specific user preferences, group enrollment, and award account enrollment in a single file. To load additional user preferences or group enrollments, see the Requirements for Preferences and/or Requirements for Group Enrollment sections.

Note: This process uses the PUT /users/{userId} method. Therefore, all non-required fields are optional, but when used, they must match the expected API parameter.

The file format must:

This is a Beta feature and may not be fully developed. Do not set impactAuthId and impactIsActive information. Authentication attributes are in development for an upcoming feature.

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Requirements for Preferences

The following requirements apply to user attributes (preferences) such as name, user icon, and other custom preferences.

The file format must:

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Requirements for Group Enrollment

The following requirements apply to adding users to groups. The group enrollment file will create a new group class (column header) and group (row value) if the group class or group doesn't already exist.

The file format must:

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Requirements for Points Load

The following requirements apply to debiting or crediting users' points within a point category. Processing results in the user's points budget being added to or replaced with the new amount. This adjusts the current points balance in the point category and goes into effect immediately upon processing.

The points file can support multiple point categories. However, each row only supports one point category and it must be a 1:1 relationship with the user ID, point value, and point category.

The file format must:

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Operation,UserId,Points,Point Category,Description,BillCode1,BillCode2

Add,A123,100,Points,May training incentive,,Training

Add,A234,100,Points,May training incentive,,Training

Add,A345,100,Points,May training incentive,,Training

Replace,A678,500,Recognition,Monthly budget allocation

See also

Data import
