
Recognition helps you reward performance and motivate users. A Recognition program that links to your company's business goals helps build a sense of appreciation and can improve your workplace culture. Adding Recognition to your program is a cost-effective means of engaging your audience with little ongoing administrative costs.

You can create a Recognition program where anyone can recognize anyone, managers recognize team members, or only people in the same group (such as one office location, company facility, etc.) recognize each other. Recognition can include point awards and/or free-form comments. Recognitions trigger actions which can be associated with missions that award points and/or badges, and feed into events feeds, leaderboards, and analytics.


Decide what type of recognition to implement, such as peer-to-peer, manager, or both.

Decide what recognition categories your program will include (i.e. Teamwork or Great Customer Service). Generally these align with your business goals or behaviors you want to encourage.

Decide if recognitions will include a point award. The following options are available:

  • A recognition does not award points.
  • A recognition awards a specific number of points. For example, anyone recognized for Teamwork is awarded 5 points, while a recognition for Innovation awards 10 points.
  • A recognition awards points that fall within a certain range. For example, anyone recognized for Teamwork can be awarded between 5 and 20 points. The person giving the recognition chooses the number of points to award.

Decide how to credit users with points if recognitions include a point award.

  • Point Category - Determine the point categories you will use for recognition. Typically, you will use a recognition point category for the points users can give to other users. A second point category is used for points received (this can be your default category or another category).
  • Points Budget - Determine how to credit users with the points they can use for recognition. If users will periodically receive a budget of points to be used for giving recognition, you will need and ongoing method of crediting each user's account. See Add Points to a Point Category for methods.

Decide if recognitions will include comments. If comments are allowed, a free-form text field is available where the person giving the recognition can personalize the award. Comments are not reviewable and will show in the recognition immediately after submission.

Decide if recognitions will complete missions. Missions can be used in place of, or alongside, recognition point awards. For example, you can create a mission that awards a user points when they reach a milestone, such as receiving 10 recognitions.

Decide how to display recognition to users. You can use the Recognitions block or create a custom UI with APIs.

See also

Bunchball Go

Example: Reward users that receive a specific type of recognition