October 2024 Release
Production Release Date: October 30
The following API changes are documented on https://api.bunchball.com/docs.
PUT /users/{userId} - Updated to allow passing in a special token to remove a user's first, last, or additional name. Use __DELETE__ as the parameter's value to remove a user's name. This token can also be used in data import to bulk remove multiple users' first or last names.
Product Updates
Impact - Mission Filtering Using Search, Filters, and Labels
We're excited to announce the release of search and filters in Nitro Impact! Users can filter their available missions using search, default filters, and/or labels. This allows users to quickly find the missions they want to make progress on or complete.
When filtering, elements use an AND structure. For example, selecting the "In progress" filter and "Learning" label only returns missions that are both in progress and have the Learning label applied to them.
Only default labels appear as filtering options. Internal labels are only viewable by administrators in Nitro Studio.
Only labels that are used in missions the user is eligible for will show as filtering options. For example, if you have a "Learning" label on the "Learn and Earn" mission, that label will show for Steve because he is eligible to complete the Learn and Earn mission but it will not show for Jane because she is not eligible for that mission.
Impact - Mission Tasks
In Impact, we updated the style of the task list in the mission detail view. Incomplete tasks now display with a solid gray circle and completed tasks display with a check mark. This design makes it clearer where users should click to self-report the completion of a task and to better differentiates between complete and incomplete tasks.
Impact - User Name and Image BETA Release
Our new Settings panel in Impact is now available for beta testing. An administrator can give users the ability to edit their name and/or image. Without edit rights, the user can view their name and image. When editing is enabled, a user can add, edit, and delete their user image and/or first, last, and preferred name. The user's name and image personalizes the welcome message and the leaderboard.
If you're interested in beta testing the new Settings panel, contact Bunchball Support.
Impact Sidebar
The sidebar in Impact was updated to remain open unless you close it with the "X" button or Esc key. This change helps eliminate accidentally closing a mission or quiz by clicking outside the sidebar panel.
Product Fixes
Fixed an issue in the Recognitions block where the comment length counter was showing an incorrect number if you returned to the page to edit the comment.
Fixed an issue in the Recognitions block where a recognition failed to send because a comment was required.
Fixed an issue in Impact where quickly and repeatedly opening and closing the sidebar could cause it to lock up.
Fixed an issue in Impact where the At a Glance section displayed the last completed mission's name instead of the display name.
Fixed an issue where the GET /users/{userId}/levels API created a user if that user did not already exist in Nitro. Now the API correctly returns a user's level or indicates the user does not exist.
Documentation Updates
Added instructions for styling blocks to use a custom font. Nitro supports default, Google, Adobe, and custom fonts in blocks.
See also