August 2023 Release
Production Release Date: August 30
*** Discontinuation Notice ***
Chart reports are no longer available in Nitro Studio. They have been deprecated and removed from the analytics platform. You can use Quick Insights to see report data in chart format.
The following API changes are documented on
GET /users/{userId}/exchanges/{exchangeId}/recipients - Updated the count parameter default to 15. Previously returned 100 records as the default.
Product Enhancements
Improved Data Import Messaging
Data import error messages have been updated to provide a summary of the error, additional details, and the steps you can take to resolve the error. In addition, the messages now contain the row number where the issue occurred. When importing a file:
The import will run until the first row with an error is found.
The import will stop on the first error and show an error message referencing that row (even if subsequent rows also have errors).
When you re-upload the file, the process repeats until all rows are addressed.
User Preference Security
To increase security and prevent cross site scripting (XSS) attacks, new security is enforced on the firstName, lastName, iconUrl, and userPhotoUrl user preferences.
The preference value only allows letters (any language), numbers, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and spaces. iconUrl and userPhotoUrl check the format of the URL to ensure it's valid, but no check is done to verify that it's a real image.
Product Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Profile web component did not respect a custom title and always displayed the title as My Profile.
Fixed an issue where group missions did not show in the Missions web component.
Fixed an issue where copying a mission and clearing the end date caused the copy to exit without saving.
Improved performance in the Recognitions block user search. The list now returns a smaller subset of users to increase the speed that users are returned.
Fixed an issue in the Leaders web component where the leaderboard list did not update properly when navigating between different leaderboards.
*** Upcoming API Deprecation ***
Effective with the November 2023 release, we will deprecate and remove the following API and parameter from the platform. Update any code that uses these calls in advance of the November release.
GET /search - Update your code to call the API for the specific object you want to search on (for example, /actions, /challenges, etc.).
GET /users/{userId}/exchanges/{exchangeId}/recipients preferences parameter - Update your code to stop sending preferences with the API call.
See also