Embed an OAuth Web Component

Deprecated Icon Deprecated. Web components have been deprecated and replaced with Nitro Impact. While still supported, no updates or fixes are expected for web components.

Nitro JavaScript Library

The Nitro JavaScript Library is required for all web components. It identifies the web components you want to load and loads them. Do not locally store the library.

For each page where you want to display web components, Nitro JavaScript only needs to be included on the page one time. Once on the page, the script finds your web component embed tags and loads the resources they need to run.

Dynamic Updates

For programs where web components are not regularly refreshed via page navigation, you can use the "update" function to ensure you get the latest data from Nitro. We recommend you leverage this function on components where it's appropriate to get new data in response to a user action. It should not be used to poll our APIs on a timer. Show me example scenarios and code samplesClosed

Scenario One: You have a page that contains the Recognitions block and Missions web component and that page is set up so that the user doesn't have to refresh the page (single page app). You have a mission that completes when a recognition is sent. When the user sends a recognition that completes the mission, the mission will remain in the missions list until the page is refreshed. However, if you use the update function on the Missions web component, the user would get the latest eligible missions without a full page refresh.

By selecting the component with JavaScript, you can invoke the update function. This is supported by all web components.

Scenario Two: You have a page that contains the Missions web component and that page is set up so that the Quiz web component is launched from the Missions detail page into a modal overlay. When the user passes a quiz, the task for completing the quiz will remain in the task list as incomplete until the page is refreshed. However, if you use the update function when an event is handled (such as the user closing the modal after completing the quiz), the user would see the completion without a full page refresh. Include as many components that are on your page that would benefit from seeing an update of data.

Embed Steps

Embed code used in sandbox must be changed before being used in production. Some embed parameters, as outlined in the following steps, vary between sandbox and production environments.

The following steps describe a generic overview of embedding OAuth web components. Not all web components produce the same embed code. Follow the specific instructions and tips provided with the web component preview and resulting embed code to embed a web component on your site. To embed a block, see Embed a Block.

  1. Use the Web Component Builder to configure, save, and get the embed code for your web component. Note: Embed code is not available until you save the web component.
  2. Add the Nitro web component tag on your page in the location where you want the web component to display.
    • For Web Components:
      • Set the web component tag name: bunchball-profile, bunchball-missions, bunchball-events, bunchball-interaction, bunchball-leaders, bunchball-ots, bunchball-quiz, or bunchball-trophy.
      • Where web components support a data-user-id attribute, it should be set, along with using a 3-legged OAuth token.

Sandbox Example

Production Example

<bunchball-events style="display:block; width:400px; height:450px;"
    data-title='Recent Achievements'
<bunchball-events style="display:block; width:400px; height:450px;"
    data-title='Recent Achievements'

Sandbox and Production Example

<div name="Events"
    data-title='Recent Achievements'
  1. You can place text or other content between the opening and closing tags to provide loading text or a loading image until the content loads.
    You can also provide alternate content to display to your users instead of Nitro content. You may want to do this in case the Nitro servers can't be reached. To provide alternate content, use the <nitro:block>, <nitro:content> and <nitro:alt> tags.
  2. Add Nitro JavaScript to your page as a direct child of the <body> element or after the </body> tag. You should not nest this script under another element, like a <div>. The code that gets executed upon inclusion appends a new <div> to the <body> tag, which cannot happen from within a nested element. This code only needs to be included on the page once. After adding the script, change the values for your environment.


<script src="https://components.bunchball.com/web/latest/component.min.js"></script>


<script src="https://components.bunchball.com/web/v6.1/component.min.js"></script>


<script id="nitro-js"


<script id="nitro-js"

Embed Parameters







The URL that the nitro.js script is loaded from (Nitro JavaScript Library).



  • web component - https://components.bunchball.com/web/v6.1/component.min.js
  • iframe - https://components.bunchball.com/nitro/6.1/nitro.min.js


(required for iframe only)

The id attribute of the script element. Must be set to nitro-js.

Required for iframe only.




(required for iframe only)

The access token received from a token request. For web components, the data token is included in the web component tag.


Set to populate the variable for the OAuth token. Replace the parameter with a variable containing the OAuth token at runtime.

Set to populate the variable for the OAuth token. Replace the parameter with a variable containing the OAuth token at runtime.




Not needed for Production environments


The version of web component code that you want to run. Bunchball recommends that you bind to a version like "v6.1" to avoid instability.




Allows you turn off caching of session and web component embeds in the browser's localStorage.




Enables verbose logging in the browser's development console.




The URL of your custom stylesheet if you want to override the default styles.



Example Embed Code

Web Component



<script src="https://components.bunchball.com/web/latest/component.min.js"></script>
<bunchball-events style="display:block; width:400px; height:450px;"
    data-title='Recent Achievements'
<script src="https://components.bunchball.com/web/v6.1/component.min.js"></script>
<bunchball-events style="display:block; width:400px; height:450px;"
    data-title='Recent Achievements'




    <title>My Web Component</title>
  <div name="Events"
    data-title='Recent Achievements'
  <script id="nitro-js"
    <title>My Web Component</title>
  <div name="Events"
    data-title='Recent Achievements'
  <script id="nitro-js"

See also

Styling web components

OAuth Client


Web components