Missions Completed Report

The Missions Completed report tracks the number of completed missions. It helps you understand how users are reacting to new and old missions within your program.

  1. Open Nitro Studio > Analytics > Quick Insights > Missions tab.
  2. Note the data available date on the right side of the title bar. Data after this date is not yet available and is not included in reports.
  3. Interact with the data using dates, drilldowns, filters, hovers, and zoom.
  4. To interpret the data and compare it to your goals and program structure:
    • How many times have key missions been completed?
    • Determine trends. For example, you may look at missions at the start of a new fiscal year. You may expect a drop in activity in Q1 from a high Q4, but the numbers stay strong. This can be a sign of the program strategy having a positive impact on your business.

Challenges Completed Report

See also

Quick Insights Dashboard