Example: Give Users Content to Consume and Test Them On It

The following steps describe how to give users content to consume and then test them on it. This example will show you how to create a quiz and a mission that requires users to read a document and pass the quiz within 2 attempts.

Create the Quiz

  1. Open Nitro Studio > Motivate > Quizzes, and then click New.
  2. On the About tab:
    • In the Name field, enter Company Values Quiz.
    • In the Description field, enter Take this one question quiz on our company values.
    • Select Limit Number of Attempts.
    • In the Maximum Number of Attempts field, enter 2.
    • Keep the Create Quiz Mission option selected.
    • In the Intro Image field, browse to and select an image.

Click the image to see this step

Quiz About Tab

  1. Click Next.
  2. On the Questions tab:
    1. Click New.
    2. In the Question Text field, enter What are our two company values?
    3. Click new answer.
    4. In the Answer Text field, enter Honesty. Select Correct? and click save.
    5. Click new answer.
    6. In the Answer Text field, enter Dependability and click save.
    7. Click new answer.
    8. In the Answer Text field, enter Integrity. Select Correct? and click save.
    9. Click Save.

    Click the image to see this step

    Add Question Page

  3. Click Save & Finish.

Create the Quiz Mission

Since we automatically created a mission with our quiz (step 2), we can now edit it.

  1. Hover over the quiz in the list and click Edit (Edit Button).
  2. Click the mission link to open the mission for editing.

Click the image to see this step

Quiz About Tab Linked Challenge

  1. On the Details tab:
    • In the Description field, enter Take this one question quiz on our company values. You only have two attempts to pass!
    • In the Action Phrase field, enter {firstName} passed the Company Values Quiz and earned {points} points. Nice work!
    • Set the Importance as Very High.
    • Click Save.

Click the image to see this step

Challenge About Tab

  1. On the Rules tab:
    1. Click New Rule, select Number of Actions, and then click Continue.
    2. In the number field, enter 1.
    3. In the Rule Description field, enter Read our updated company manifesto.
    4. In the Rule URL field, enter the url to the document the user should read.
    5. Click New Action.
    6. In the Select Action field, search for and select READ_ARTICLE. This example uses a generic action so we'll add metadata to define what article will complete the action.
    7. In the Name field, enter document_id.
    8. In the Value field, enter 12345.
    9. Click Save Action Criteria, then click Save for the rule.

Click the image to see this setup.

Click the image to see where the description and link display to users.

Example Task List in Nitro Impact

  1.  On the Rules tab:
    1. Use the handles () to drag and drop the new rule to appear before the quiz rule.
    2. Click Edit (Edit Button) to open the quiz rule.
    3. Under the Rule URL field, click the Copy Quiz URL link. For Bunchball Go programs, this links the task to the quiz in the Missions web component.
    4. Click Save.
  2. On the Rewards tab:
    1. Click Add a reward.
    2. In the Reward Type list, select Points.
    3. In the Amount field, enter 5, and click Save.
    4. Click Add a reward.
    5. In the Reward Type list, select Badge.
    6. Click Upload Image, browse to and select an image.
    7. Click Save.

Click the image to see this step

Challenge Builder Rewards Tab Example

  1. In the mission header:
    • Click Edit (Edit Button) and upload the badge image as the mission image.
    • Click Make Active.

Apply a Label

We'll apply a label to quizzes so that users can filter on quiz missions in the Missions web component.

  1. Open Nitro Studio > Configuration > Labels.
  2. Click New. In the Add new Label view:
    • In the Name field, enter quizzes.
    • In the Usage field, select default.
    • Click Save.
  3. In the Label detail view, click Add Mission.
  4. Enter Company Values Quiz and select it from the list.
  5. Click Save.

Click the image to see this filter in the Missions web component

See also

Link to a mission from an external source


Common mission setup examples