Link to a Mission From an External Source

The following steps can be used when you want to link to a specific mission from an external source such as an email or web banner. When a user clicks the external link, they will open that mission directly in the block or web component without having to search for it.


  1. Get the URL to the page hosting your Impact block including the specific mission ID. For example,

  2. In the web app hosting the page where Impact is embedded, set it to parse the missionId and token to variables. For example, src="{id}/missions/{missionId}?token={token}"

  3. From your external source, link to the mission using the URL in step 1.

Missions Web Component

  1. Get the URL string to the page hosting your Missions web component including the specific mission ID. For example, https://…/

  2. In the web app hosting the page where your Missions web component is embedded, set it to parse the data-mission-id parameter to a variable.

  3. In the Missions web component embed code, set the data-mission-id parameter to use the variable from step 2. For example, data-mission-id={mission_var}.

  4. From your external source (web banner, email, etc.), link to the mission using the URL in step 1.

See also

Create a mission