Edit, Copy, or Delete a Mission

Review the following information before editing, copying, or deleting a mission to ensure the mission performs as expected. See Labels for more information on adding or removing mission labels.

Edit a Mission


  1. Open Nitro Studio > Motivate > Missions.
  2. Click the mission you want to edit. Or, right-click the mission and then click Open in new tab or Open in new window.
  3. Modify the mission as appropriate. See Create a Mission for details.

Copy a Mission

You should not copy a repeatable mission and change it to a non-repeatable mission, or vice versa. Changing the repeatability of a copied mission can lead to issues with completion.

  1. Open Nitro Studio > Motivate > Missions.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In the missions list, click Copy (Copy Icon).
    • Open the mission you want to copy, and then click Copy (Copy Button).
  3. Change the mission name and/or dates, and click Save and Continue.
  4. Configure the mission as appropriate.
  5. In the mission header, click Make Active to activate the mission.

Delete a Mission

Bunchball recommends you make a mission inactive rather than deleting it. When deleting a mission note that:


  1. Open Nitro Studio > Motivate > Missions.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In the mission list, click Delete (Delete Button).
    • Open the mission you want to delete, and then click Delete (Delete Button).
  3. Click Yes to confirm.

See also

Create a mission

Complete a mission