Audit Log

The Audit Log view provides a history of the operations admin users (Studio Users) have executed in Nitro Studio. This includes successful and failed authentication attempts to log in to Nitro Studio.

  1. Open Nitro Studio > Tools > Audit Log.
  2. To filter the results:
    • Enter a keyword to use for searching within log descriptions.
    • Enter a number in the Starts at field to show results on a specific page.
    • Enter a number in the # of Entries field to specify the number of records to show.
    • Select a date range using the date picker.
    • Enter a keyword in the Filter Search Results by field to display only records that match the keyword.
  3. Open a result in the list () to show additional details.

An program user's change history is available in the User Management view.

See also

Nitro Studio workspace